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A GUI program that runs on top of yt-dlp and ffmpeg to download videos and audio. This project is only for educational purpose DO NOT SELL . DO NOT plagiarize. USE AT YOUR RISK .
Installer Type | Name |
Full Installer | Youtube-dl GUI.exe |
Web Installer | Youtube-dl GUI Webinstaller.exe |
Portable Installer | Youtube-dl GUI Portable.zip |
Installation using PowerShell
Execute the following command in powershell
powershell iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://github.com/sourabhkv/ytdl/raw/main/Webinstaller%20CLI.ps1'))
Latest release Meteor
Special Features
Captions support (YouTube)
Thumbnail download
Advanced option to specifically select audio , video separately
Convert video into music MP3(64,128,320 KB/S), M4A , WAV ,FLAC WITH METADATA and thumbnail
Variety of supported websites
File converter
System Requirements
Windows 7 SP1 or newer (x86 and x64)
Recommended Windows 8.1 (x86 and x64) or newer
Version in support 22.0808.20,22.0811.29,22.1119.20
Latest release preview
Older version preview
ytdl is based on Yt-dlp/youtube-dl , ffmpeg and atomicparsley
Any Issues report here